I'm Dayan Ahmed. I live in Pakistan, where I design the future.

Greetings, esteemed seeker!⭐ I am Dayan Ahmed, a digital sorcerer skilled in Laravel, Python, and PHP. With a touch of React and React Native, I conjure immersive web and mobile experiences that transcend the ordinary.

Harness my 5 years of expertise to transform your visions into extraordinary realities. Together, we'll craft pixel-perfect interfaces and wield powerful backend enchantments, delighting users and driving your success.

As a freelancer on Upwork, I've cast spells of success for clients worldwide. Expect clear communication, seamless updates, and a collaborative spirit that fuels our journey.

In this ever-evolving realm of technology, I stand as your stalwart companion, navigating the vast digital landscape to manifest your dreams. With Laravel as my wand, I weave elegant code spells that bring your web applications to life. Python, the elixir of versatility, flows through my veins, empowering me to tackle complex challenges with finesse. Fear not, PHP is my trusted ally, whether it be in the realm of WordPress or the pure essence of its syntax.

But the magic does not end there, my friend. React, the enchantress of interactivity, dances in harmony with my fingertips, enabling the creation of captivating user interfaces. And when the need arises for your vision to transcend the confines of the web, React Native is my trusted companion, guiding the creation of mesmerizing mobile experiences.

Close your eyes and envision the possibilities. Picture a user interface that draws gasps of awe, seamlessly guiding visitors through your digital domain. Imagine a backend architecture that hums with power, effortlessly handling thousands of requests without breaking a sweat. Envision a mobile application that captures hearts and attention, gracefully blending functionality with a delightful user experience.

In my realm, your purpose is my guiding star. I immerse myself in your project, embracing your unique vision as my own. We embark on a collaborative journey, fueled by communication and trust. Through every step of the process, I offer transparency and timely updates, ensuring you're an active participant in the enchantment we're crafting.

Join me on this extraordinary adventure, where technology and imagination intertwine. Together, we'll defy the boundaries of the ordinary and conjure an experience that leaves users spellbound. The canvas is set, and the possibilities are infinite.

Are you ready to wield the magic of your project? Let's weave wonders together. Reach out to me now, and let the enchantment begin!


I've spent few years working on my skills. In no particular order, here are a few of them.

  • Python
  • Laravel
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS | VueJS
  • Sanity
  • NextJS